Vacuum pumps are very important in the farming industry as they are used to draw the milk and power all the washing equipment that is used on the dairy farms. Did you know that vacuum pumps are responsible for up to 30 per cent of the electricity used on a dairy farm? That is proof right there they are essential and used often.
Vacuum pumps can create the negative pressure needed to draw out milk from the cows and then transfer the milk to the milk receiver via a bulk tank or bowl. The airflow that is created by the vacuum pumps can transport water and the cleaning solution right through the system when it needs to be cleaned.
Our vacuum pumps energy efficient when used on dairy farms?
There are four types of pumps that are used within the agriculture sector. You have the sliding vane rotary pumps, blower pumps, water ring pumps and the turbine pumps. Different pumps are used for the various applications due to the vacuum pumps operating at a higher efficiency in varying scenarios. When the vacuum increases, the pumps will become less effective. This can reap up the energy costs so it is vital that you are operating them at a lower level when you can, which will help save on the energy costs.
Is the size important?
It is essential that you are matching the size of the pump with the requirements of the washing and milking systems. Doing so will lower your initial investment for the machinery and for maintenance and operating costs. It will ensure that you are getting maximum performance and a longer-lasting pump. Every part of the system that has airflow will help to decide the right size suited for the pump. The basic sizing of the pump will take the volume of air compression that is admitted into the system during the harvesting and then it will add another fifty per cent that will account for the wear and tear and for any accidental overload.
The industry standards that are dictated with the use of bigger pumps is the wrong impression that the bigger pumps are needed to compensate for washing. In fact, a pump that is too big can overheat near the end of the cycle.
Blower and oil vane vacuum pumps
Vacuum pumps are used to create airflow to the machinery that operates the milk harvesting equipment. The energy that is solely used in the milking equipment components is taken up mostly by the vacuum pumps using roughly 80 per cent of the energy. The feed motors and milk pump take up the remaining percentage. Installing a speed drive that is variable on a vacuum pump will help you to match the speed and the pumps with the requirements for the right airflow—thereby lowering the energy emissions and noises.
A variable speed drive creates the minimum reserve requirements only when there happens to be more demand for the airflow over what is already required to operate the equipment. Energy savings will arise when there is no request for any extra air.
Vacuum pumps are beneficial and are classed as essential in order to run the milking farm industry. Without them, the milking industry would not be able to survive.